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ActiveMerchant ARB and CIM Phone?

I am unable to store phone number to either an ARB or CIM profile. Everything else stores perfect, but phone number won't save. We tried '1111111111' as well. Is :phone not the correct option name? has a field for phone number.

We are using the recurring in ARB:

options = {
    :billing_address => { 
      :name     => 'Mark McBride',
      :address1 => '1 Show Me The Money Lane',
      :city     => 'San Francisco',
      :state    => 'CA',
      :country  => 'US',
      :zip      => '23456',
      :phone    => '(555)555-5555'

Any help would be amazing.


  • You have phone number in the wrong place. Phone number goes under "customer". Not the billing information. Make sure to read the documentation for the proper syntax for each request.