For the listeners part of this data store in sencha touch, what exactly does the 'load' event mean? I searched the api documentation but was unable to find an explanation in the data store section nor the observable class section.
model: "",
proxy: {
type: "ajax",
url : "/search/json/",
reader: {
type: "json",
root: "searchResult"
listeners: {
load: myapp.results //Note: myapp.results is a function defined elsewhere
As an additional note, if anyone knows of a reference which lists all of the listener 'eventnames' such as load, and their significance I would be grateful if they would be so kind as to post them here. (The sencha documentation only says: 'The name of the event to listen for. May also be an object who's property names are event names. See' and ends at See )
This event is fired when the data is loaded. You must assign a function to use it.
// Do stuff, you can access here to the loaded store, the loaded records and options
It will be called each time the data is loaded, on refresh, on page change, etc.