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Css from child component will affect the entire page

I have a page and the page is split in two. Part of the page is child1, part is child 2.



Below are the css included in the page

Child1 ->   z-index: 1
Child2 ->   z-index: 2

I want to give a backdrop to the entire page when a button in child1 is clicked. Css is as follows

.backdrop {
    position: fixed;
    background-color: rgba(16,19,22,.6);
    z-index: 5;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    right: 0;
    bottom: 0;

But this only takes up the child1 component. I want it to cover the entire page.


  • EventEmitter

    It is best to not fight against Angulars style encapsulation and just throw an event to the parent to let it handle the styling.

    In your child component script:

    @Output() styleEvent = new EventEmitter();
    onClick() {

    Child component template:

    <button (click)="onClick()">Add Style</button>

    In the parent script:

    styleOn = false
    handleStyleEvent() {
      this.styleOn = !this.styleOn
    getStyle() {
      return this.styleOn ? 'backdrop' : ''

    In the parent template:

    <div [ngClass]="getStyle()">
      <app-one (styleEvent)="handleStyleEvent()"></app-one>

    You can add the styling to your parent stylesheet (or styles.css if you want it to be globally available).

    Here's an example on Stackblitz.