Search code examples

change date in column 2 where numbers do not match column 3

I have tried this before but need to change direction. I was changing the numbers but I found I need to change the date after the numbers differ. My text has 3 columns and the 2nd and 3rd are similar but occasionally there is a 1 - 4 digit number that do not match. I have added a sample so you can see what I am talking about. I have added my substr command but that was to change the numbers and reality I need to make the date after those numbers 220102 or a user entered date. When the number in bold in column 2 do not match column 3 then the date needs to change to the user input or 220102 in column 2 after the numbers in bold whichever is easiest. I have a script for user input date change I could possibly point it to. Thanks in advance.

126731E             0000000033220422    000003312634460-0003-1
134180D             0000000052220419    000006012622399-0003-1
 134307-004K         0000000016220420    000001612635621-0003-0
 141014-001B         0000000040220419    000004012632585-0003-0
134886C             0000000034220419    000007612620821-0003-1
 123899B             0000000050220412    000005012635007-0003-1
121543C             0000000059220419    000007512621925-0003-1
 118238C             0000000070220419    000007012632584-0003-0
121852A             0000000122220419    000013512622569-0003-1
 123124A             0000000141220419    000014112631954-0003-0
 123157C             0000000344220422    000034412634707-0003-1

sample text columns

    part1= substr($0,1,40)
    part2= substr($0,49)
    qty= substr($2,4,7)
    print part1""qty""part2

Expected outcome is;

126731E             0000000033220422    000003312634460-0003-1
134180D             0000000052220102    000006012622399-0003-1
 134307-004K         0000000016220420    000001612635621-0003-0
 141014-001B         0000000040220419    000004012632585-0003-0
134886C             0000000034220102    000007612620821-0003-1
 123899B             0000000050220412    000005012635007-0003-1
121543C             0000000059220102    000007512621925-0003-1
 118238C             0000000070220419    000007012632584-0003-0
121852A             0000000122220102    000013512622569-0003-1
 123124A             0000000141220419    000014112631954-0003-0
 123157C             0000000344220422    000034412634707-0003-1


  • Using GNU awk for the 3rd arg to match():

    $ cat tst.awk
    BEGIN { rep = (rep == "" ? "220102" : rep) }
    match($0,/((\s*\S+\s+\S{3})(\S{7}))(\S+)((\s+)(\S{7})(.*))/,a) {
        if ( a[3] != a[7] ) {
            $0 = a[1] rep a[5]
    { print }

    $ awk -f tst.awk file
    126731E             0000000033220422    000003312634460-0003-1
    134180D             0000000052220102    000006012622399-0003-1
     134307-004K         0000000016220420    000001612635621-0003-0
     141014-001B         0000000040220419    000004012632585-0003-0
    134886C             0000000034220102    000007612620821-0003-1
     123899B             0000000050220412    000005012635007-0003-1
    121543C             0000000059220102    000007512621925-0003-1
     118238C             0000000070220419    000007012632584-0003-0
    121852A             0000000122220102    000013512622569-0003-1
     123124A             0000000141220419    000014112631954-0003-0
     123157C             0000000344220422    000034412634707-0003-1

    $ awk -v rep='111111' -f tst.awk file
    126731E             0000000033220422    000003312634460-0003-1
    134180D             0000000052111111    000006012622399-0003-1
     134307-004K         0000000016220420    000001612635621-0003-0
     141014-001B         0000000040220419    000004012632585-0003-0
    134886C             0000000034111111    000007612620821-0003-1
     123899B             0000000050220412    000005012635007-0003-1
    121543C             0000000059111111    000007512621925-0003-1
     118238C             0000000070220419    000007012632584-0003-0
    121852A             0000000122111111    000013512622569-0003-1
     123124A             0000000141220419    000014112631954-0003-0
     123157C             0000000344220422    000034412634707-0003-1