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Quick.db .add function not working correctly

Im making an addmoney cmd for my discord bot but when the money, it gets added weirdly. Eg. normally it would be 200 if i add 100 and there was already 100 but im my occasion its 100100. Anyways code:

const { QuickDB } = require('quick.db');
const db = new QuickDB();
const discord = require("discord.js") = async (bot, message, args) => {

    if (!message.member.permissions.has("ADMINISTRATOR")) return message.reply("You do not have the permissions to use this command😔.")
    if (!args[0]) return message.reply("Please specify a user❗")

    let user = || message.guild.members.cache.get(args[0]) || messsage.guild.members.cache.find(r => r.user.username.toLowerCase() === args[0].toLocaleLowerCase()) || message.guild.member.cache.find(r => r.displayName.toLowerCase() === args[0].toLocaleLowerCase())
    if (!user) return message.reply("Enter a valid user⛔.")
    if (!args[1]) return message.reply("Please specify the amount of money💰.")
    var embed = new discord.MessageEmbed()
       .setAuthor(,{dynamic: true}))
       .setDescription(`Cannot give that much money⛔.
        Please specify a number under 10000💸.`)

    if (isNaN(args[1]) ) return message.reply("Your amount is not a number❗.")
    if (args[0] > 10000) return message.reply({embeds: [embed]})
    await db.add(`money_${}`, args[1])
    let bal = await db.get(`money_${}`)

    let moneyEmbed = new discord.MessageEmbed()
        .setDescription(`Gave $${args[1]} \n\nNew Balance: ${bal}`)
    message.reply({embeds: [moneyEmbed]})
} = {
    name: "addmoney",
    category: "economy",
    description: 'Adds money!',


  • One way you could get this kind of behaviour is if args[1] was a string. In that case, instead of adding the value, it would just concatenate it with the current value of money_${}. So, to fix it all you have to do is, instead of passing it directly, use parseInt() and then pass it. Then, your fixed part might look like this =>

    await db.add(`money_${}`, parseInt(args[1]))