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How to map soap response object containing JAXBElement to another POJO?

I created a jax-ws client and make soap calls. It works fine but I have problems when returning the response received from soap call as a json object.

This is how I call SOAP service and get the response:

public GetUserResponse getUser(Integer userId) {
    ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
    GetUserRequest getUserRequest = objectFactory.createGetUserRequest();
    GetUserResponse response = getClient().getUser(getUserRequest);
    return response;

The problem is, GetUserResponse was generated using wsimport, and when I return this response as a JSON object, it has lots of unnecessary fields. Here is how it looks:


But I just want to return the values of the fields, like this:

     "userId": 88938134,
     "name": "My name",
     "active": true,
     "postalCode": null

I can manually dig into response and extract values like this, but it requires a lot of code and probably not a good practice.

GetUserResponse response = getClient().getUser(getUserRequest);
User user = response.getUser().getValue();
JAXBElement<String> name = user.getName();
String nameValue = name.getValue();

Is there any way to do that?

Thank you.


  • I found the solution here. The reason is, the WSDL declares the fields to be both optional and nillable. That is why I had JAXBElement in my generated classes. I used a binding file with wsimport command and regenerated the classes.

    The binding file:

    <jaxb:bindings version="2.1" 
       <jaxb:globalBindings generateElementProperty="false"/> 

    and the command:

    wsimport -keep  <WSDL_location>  -b binding.xml