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How to identify similar dataset, and differences from both csv files to new df in R

df1 <- data.frame(id=c("632592651","633322173","634703802","634927873","635812953","636004739","636101211","636157799","636263106","636752420"),text=c("asdf","cat","dog","mouse","elephant","goose","rat","mice","kitty","kitten"),response=c("y","y","y","n","n","y","y","n","n","y"))

overview of df1

        id     text response
1  632592651     asdf        y
2  633322173      cat        y
3  634703802      dog        y
4  634927873    mouse        n
5  635812953 elephant        n
6  636004739    goose        y
7  636101211      rat        y
8  636157799     mice        n
9  636263106    kitty        n
10 636752420   kitten        y

df2 <- data.frame(id=c("632592651","633322173","634703802","634927873","635812953","636004739","636101211","636157799","636263106","636752420","636809222","2004722036","2004894388","2005045755","2005535472","2005630542","2005788781","2005809679","2005838317","2005866692"),

overview of df2

  id           text volume
1   632592651       asdf_xyz   1234
2   633322173            cat    432
3   634703802            dog    324
4   634927873          mouse    333
5   635812953       elephant   2223
6   636004739          goose 412346
7   636101211            rat   7456
8   636157799           mice   3456
9   636263106          kitty   2345
10  636752420         kitten   2345
11  636809222      tiger_xyz      6
12 2004722036           lion    345
13 2004894388        leopard     23
14 2005045755        ostrich      2
15 2005535472       kangaroo   4778
16 2005630542       platypus    234
17 2005788781           fish   8675
18 2005809679        reptile   3459
19 2005838317        mammals      8
20 2005866692 amphibians_xyz      9

Above are my two dataframes and I would like to have a new df3 that gives

df3 <- data.frame(id=c("633322173","634703802","634927873","635812953","636004739","636101211","636157799","636263106","636752420"),

overview of df3

         id     text response volume
1 633322173      cat        y    432
2 634703802      dog        y    324
3 634927873    mouse        n    333
4 635812953 elephant        n   2223
5 636004739    goose        y 412346
6 636101211      rat        y   7456
7 636157799     mice        n   3456
8 636263106    kitty        n   2345
9 636752420   kitten        y   2345

and would like to obtain the differences between df1 and df2. Can someone give an advise how to approach this? Thanks.


  • You may try using inner_join and anti_join

    df1 %>%
      inner_join(df2, by = c("id", "text")) 
             id     text response volume
    1 633322173      cat        y    432
    2 634703802      dog        y    324
    3 634927873    mouse        n    333
    4 635812953 elephant        n   2223
    5 636004739    goose        y 412346
    6 636101211      rat        y   7456
    7 636157799     mice        n   3456
    8 636263106    kitty        n   2345
    9 636752420   kitten        y   2345


    df1 %>%
      anti_join(df2, by = c("id", "text"))
             id text response
    1 632592651 asdf        y
    df2 %>%
      anti_join(df1, by = c("id", "text"))
               id           text volume
    1   632592651        asdfxyz   1234
    2   636809222      tiger_xyz      6
    3  2004722036           lion    345
    4  2004894388        leopard     23
    5  2005045755        ostrich      2
    6  2005535472       kangaroo   4778
    7  2005630542       platypus    234
    8  2005788781           fish   8675
    9  2005809679        reptile   3459
    10 2005838317        mammals      8
    11 2005866692 amphibians_xyz      9