I have a set of data with this format: Each cell has one or some names, each of them are followed by a date. I want to compare the dates which are presented in each cell and check whether they are the same or not.
Example of a cell content: university XXX (2016-10-21) company YYY (2016-10-22)
I used the formula: =MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1,1)+1,10) to find the first date. how could I find 2nd, 3rd, ... dates?
Thank you in advance,
Easiest if done step by step:
So break down your MID(A1,SEARCH("(",A1,1)+1,10) (and make it more specific to dates - you don't want to match "(KACST)") as:
B1: =SEARCH("(2",A1,1)
and H1: =mid(A1,B1+1,10)
Then add
C1: =SEARCH("(2",A1,B1+1)
This tells the search to start from the character after the one it has already found
I1: =mid(A1,C1+1,10)