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Time complexity of O(n^2)

void f(int n)
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
        for (int j = 1; j <= n * n / i; j += i)

Whats the time complexity for this code? I figured it would be O(n3) but turns out the actual answer is O(n2) and I have no clue why. can someone explain? (there is a chance its a mistake in the exam)


  • There are two things to notice about the inner loop:

    1. The "divide by i" here: j<=n*n/i

    2. The "increment by i" here: j+=i (which gives another "divide by i)

    Taking that into account we can see how many time the inner loop executes depending of the value of i:

    i = 1 --> n*n/1/1
    i = 2 --> n*n/2/2
    i = 3 --> n*n/3/3
    i = 4 --> n*n/4/4

    Then make the sum:

    n*n/1/1 + n*n/2/2 + n*n/3/3 + n*n/4/4 + ...

    which is:

    n*n/1^2 + n*n/2^2 + n*n/3^2 + n*n/4^2 + ...

    which is:

    n^2 * (1/1^2 + 1/2^2 + 1/3^2 + 1/4^2 + ... )

    According to this is approx:

    n^2 * 1.644934

    so the complexity is O(n^2)

    Just for fun the following code calculates the number of times the inner loop is executed

    #include <stdio.h>
    unsigned long long  f(int n)
        unsigned long long c = 0;
        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
            for (int j=1; j<=n*n/i; j+=i)
        return c;
    void g(int n)
        unsigned long long c = f(n);
        printf("d=%-10d c=%-10llu c/n^2=%f\n", n, c, (((double)c)/n/n));
    int main()
        return 0;


    d=10         c=157        c/n^2=1.570000
    d=100        c=16395      c/n^2=1.639500
    d=1000       c=1644474    c/n^2=1.644474
    d=10000      c=164488783  c/n^2=1.644888