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MongoDb query to return object of object where the object is aggregation of few fields

I want to build a MongoDB query that $match on the first stage of the pipeline and then returns an object of object, where the first object is $project of a few common fields and next object is sum aggregation of the fields which are not common, the fields will be mentioned in the pipeline. For example, given 2 documents after the match pipeline -

  "bus": "EXAMP",
  "city": "Kanpur",
  "AccountName": "Examp Transport Service",
  "agencyName": "BBS",
  "depotName": "RAYAPUR HUBLI",
  "CashCollection": 8,
  "Collection": 30,
  "IssueTicket": 5,
  "PassengerCount": 4,
  "TicketCount": 4
  "bus": "EXAMP",
  "city": "Kanpur",
  "AccountName": "Examp Transport Service",
  "agencyName": "BBS",
  "depotName": "RAYAPUR HUBLI",
  "CashCollection": 10,
  "Collection": 20,
  "IssueTicket": 7,
  "PassengerCount": 5,
  "TicketCount": 4

So I would need projection of fields [bus, city, AccountName, agencyName, depotName] in the first object, and in the next I would need the aggregation of fields [CashCollection, Collection, IssueTicket, PassengerCount, TicketCount]. So my object of object should look like below

  result: [
     "bus": "EXAMP",
     "city": "Kanpur",
     "AccountName": "Examp Transport Service",
     "agencyName": "BBS",
     "depotName": "RAYAPUR HUBLI",
  aggregates: {
   "CashCollection": 18,
  "Collection": 50,
  "IssueTicket": 12,
  "PassengerCount": 9,
  "TicketCount": 8


  • You can go with the following aggregation

    • $match to filter the matching output. You may use $or if you need more than one matching output
    • $facet to devide incoming data
    • $group to group by the matching filds

    Here is the code,

      { "$match": { bus: "EXAMP" }  },
        "$facet": {
          "result": [
              "$group": {
                "_id": "$bus",
                "bus": { "$first": "$bus" },
                "city": { "$first": "$city" },
                "AccountName": { "$first": "$AccountName" },
                "agencyName": { "$first": "$agencyName" },
                "depotName": { "$first": "$depotName" }
          aggregate: [
              "$group": {
                "_id": null,
                "totalCollection": { $sum: "$Collection" },
                "IssueTicket": { $sum: "$IssueTicket" },
                "PassengerCount": { $sum: "$PassengerCount" },
                "TicketCount": { $sum: "$TicketCount" }
        $set: {
          aggregate: {
            "$ifNull": [
              { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$aggregate", 0 ] }, null ]

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