I have documents stored in cosmos db, I have multiple documents for a same "stationkey"(partition key), in this example stationkey "ABC" has more than one documents with "yymm" has "2018-02" & "2018-01" e.t.c,
query that i am trying is get all "avg" & "dd" fields along with "yymm" for the given stationkey and yymm filter combination
I am trying to query using C#, I am trying to get "avg", "dd" & "yymm" fields from "data" array, the query that I have written is giving entire "data" array.
var weatherQuery = this.docClient.CreateDocumentQuery<WeatherStation>(docUri, queryOptions)
.Where(wq => wq.stationName == stationKey && lstYearMonthFilter.Contains(wq.yearMonth))
.Select(s => s.data);
what is the best way to query specific fields in from a document array?
You can select only specific fields from the array items using a double-nested anonymous class - see the altered SelectMany below. This will return yymm with every Datum, so may not be as efficient as just selecting the entire array - definitely measure the RU/s in both cases.
var weatherQuery = this.docClient.CreateDocumentQuery<WeatherStation>(docUri, queryOptions)
.Where(wq => wq.stationName == stationKey && lstYearMonthFilter.Contains(wq.yearMonth))
.SelectMany(x => x.data.Select(y => new { x.yymm, data = new[] { new { y.dd, y.avg } } }))
var results = new List<WeatherStation>();
while (weatherQuery.HasMoreResults)
results.AddRange(await weatherQuery.ExecuteNextAsync<WeatherStation>());
var groupedResults = results
.GroupBy(x => x.yymm)
.Select(x => new { x.First().yymm, data = x.SelectMany(y => y.data).ToArray() })
.Select(x => new WeatherStation() { yymm = x.yymm, data = x.data });