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Typescript Factory class that avoids using a switch statement when using enum as an input?

abstract class Animal {
    abstract sound(): void;

class Cat extends Animal {

class Dog extends Animal {

enum AnimalType {
  Cat = 1,
  Dog = 2,

class AnimalFactory {
  static createAnimal(type: AnimalType): Animal {
    switch (type) {
      case AnimalType.Cat:
        return new Cat();
      case AnimalType.Dog:
        return new Dog();
        throw new Error("unsupported animal type");

const cat = AnimalFactory.createAnimal(AnimalType.Cat);
const dog = AnimalFactory.createAnimal(AnimalType.Dog);

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I'm trying to get better at the Open–closed principle and I'm trying to figure out how to avoid using switch statements and decouple the factory class with the enum when I add more subclasses of Animal. The user via an API is sending over what animal is to be created via a simple enum. Is it possible to modify the AnimalFactory in a way that I don't need to modify the factory class every time I add another enum value and subclass of Animal?

Am I going at this wrong and I need more than an enum to use as an argument?


  • You can define a constant that contains a mapping of enum values to class types, and use a mapped type to create a type mapping:

    abstract class Animal {
        abstract sound(): void;
    class Cat extends Animal {
        sound() {
    class Dog extends Animal {
        sound() {
    enum AnimalType {
      Cat = 1,
      Dog = 2,
    const animals = {
         [AnimalType.Cat]: Cat,
         [AnimalType.Dog]: Dog
    type Animals = {
         [A in keyof typeof animals]: InstanceType<typeof animals[A]>
    class AnimalFactory {
      static createAnimal<A extends keyof Animals>(type: A): Animals[A] {
        return new animals[type]();
    const cat = AnimalFactory.createAnimal(AnimalType.Cat);
    const dog = AnimalFactory.createAnimal(AnimalType.Dog);

    See it on the playground