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ForkJoinPool process Arraylist and return two arrays

i have a huge List<String[]> like about 500k elements validation of it takes too long - 35-40 sec validation looks like this

    List<String[]> list =new ArrayList<>();
    List<NotValidRow>badList=new ArrayList<>();
    while (iterator.hasNext()){
      if (tmp[0] == null || !SKIP_PATTERN.matcher(tmp[0]).matches()) {
        badList.add(new NotValidRow(tmp[0], tmp[1], NotValidRowReason.NOT_VALID_EMAIL));
      if(tmp[1]==null || tmp[1].isBlank()){
        badList.add(new NotValidRow(tmp[0],tmp[1],NotValidRowReason.EMPTY_NAME));

i think its possible to do it faster with fork join pool but i dnt know how to do it, could you guys help me wtih that


  • You can use Stream parallel processing, however, you'll have to sneak out the bad list in a thread-safe manner: for example:

    var spliterator = Spliterators.spliteratorUnknownSize(iterator, 0);
    var badQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<NotValidRow>();
    List<String[]> list =, true)
        .filter(tmp -> {
            if (tmp.length != 2) {
                return false;
            if (tmp[0] == null || !SKIP_PATTERN.matcher(tmp[0]).matches()) {
                badQueue.offer(new NotValidRow(tmp[0], tmp[1], NotValidRowReason.NOT_VALID_EMAIL));
                return false;
            if (tmp[1] == null || tmp[1].isBlank()){
                badQueue.offer(new NotValidRow(tmp[0], tmp[1], NotValidRowReason.EMPTY_NAME));
                return false;
            return true;
    List<NotValidRow> badList = new ArrayList<>(badQueue);

    Edit Apparently, the OP didn't mean to include the bad entries in the good list, so I've updated the answer to filter out the bad entries.