I am very close to finishing it but something does not click. I pass the async data from another function to useEffect, filter it through switch + .filter and spit it out to UrlParams to be displayed but it does not filter the jobs that are displayed but only changes the URL (example: http://localhost:3001/jobs=null&location=null&since=null&conditions=remote/hybrid). (also after I change URL params it returns an empty array)
If possible can you please add an explanation for me to understand what I was doing wrong with some examples, would be great to learn that way! I will include all the code components here (useState, useEffect, fetch/filter function + jsx)
const [jobCondition, setJobConditionFilter] = useState('On-site/Remote');
//function + useEffect
const getJobsLocation = useCallback(async (filterCondition) => {
const jobs = await getJobs();
const response = jobs.data.nodes;
const conditionOptions = {
'On-site': 'in_person',
Remote: 'remote',
Hybrid: 'hybrid',
const filteredJobs = await response.filter(
(job) => job.jobFilter === conditionOptions[filterCondition],
if (!filteredJobs) {
return {};
return filteredJobs;
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
getJobsLocation(jobCondition).then((jobs) => {
let condition = jobs;
console.log('this is condition log');
switch (jobCondition) {
case 'On-site': condition.filter((con) => con.jobLocation === 'in_person');
case 'Remote': condition.filter((con) => con.jobLocation === 'remote');
case 'Hybrid': condition.filter((con) => con.jobLocation === 'hybrid');
condition = null;
if (condition != null) {
const params = new URLSearchParams({
jobs: jobFilter || null,
location: locationFilter || null,
since: datePosted || null,
conditions: jobCondition,
history.push({ pathname: '/', search: `${params.toString()}` });
console.log('this is condition afterlog');
const params = new URLSearchParams({
jobs: jobFilter || null,
location: locationFilter || null,
since: null,
conditions: null,
history.push({ pathname: '/', search: `${params.toString()}` });
}, [jobCondition, getJobsLocation]);
width: '300px',
marginLeft: '5px',
marginTop: '10px',
<div style={{ marginRight: '15px', marginTop: '-10px' }}>
<ArrowDropDownIcon fontSize="10px" />
creates an immutable array object. It does not mutate the array itself.
If you are trying to filter the condition object, you would have to initialise it again.
case 'On-site': {
condition = condition.filter((con) => con.jobLocation === 'in_person')
Or, If you want to not mutate the condition object, use jobs array to filter as follows:
let condition = [];
// Inside switch
case 'On-site': {
condition = jobs.filter((job => job.jobLocation === 'in_person')