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How can I make these JS code more elegant?

I have encounter a coding problem. I try to insert some style elements to HTML, and when these style loaded, console log "done"

var genStyle = () => {
  const instance = {}
  setTimeout(() => {
    instance.onload && instance.onload()
  }, Math.random() * 3000)
  return instance

var a = genStyle()
var b = genStyle()
var c = genStyle()

/* implementation start */


]).then(() => console.log('all done'))

/* implementation end */

I complete it like this, but I think its ugly. Could you give a more elegant one?

var genStyle = () => {
  const instance = {}
  setTimeout(() => {
    instance.onload && instance.onload()
  }, Math.random() * 3000)
  return instance

var a = genStyle()
var b = genStyle()
var c = genStyle()

/* implementation start */

const wrapper = x => {
  let tick = null
  const promise = new Promise(resolve => tick = resolve)
  x.onload = tick
  return promise

]).then(() => console.log('all done'))

/* implementation end */


  • There's no need for there to be an outer tick variable that gets reassigned to the resolve function - you can return the Promise directly.

    const wrapper = x => new Promise((resolve) => {
      x.onload = resolve;

    Ideally you'd also have an array of instances instead of 3 separate standalone identifiers to begin with, if that's something you're permitted to do.

    const genStyle = () => {
      const instance = {}
      setTimeout(() => {
        instance.onload && instance.onload()
      }, Math.random() * 3000)
      return instance
    const instances = [genStyle(), genStyle(), genStyle()];
    const wrapper = x => new Promise((resolve) => {
      x.onload = resolve;
      .then(() => console.log('all done'))