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How to export a plot as static Image from plotly with high quality?

For the visualization part, I use ggplotly and next knit my markdown file into HTML. Next, when I want to download a static image from plotly output, the quality of the PNG file is very low. So, I wonder if there is a way to increase the quality of downloadable static images in plotly?

enter image description here


  • You can modify the mode bar when you create a Plotly object. (You can add the change later, as well.) You can see more options regarding the modebar here.

    For example:

    data(gapminder, package = "gapminder")
    plot_ly(data = gapminder, x = ~continent, y = ~lifeExp, 
            type = "bar") %>% 
        toImageButtonOptions = list(
          format = "svg",
          filename = "myplot",
          width = 600,
          height = 700