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OleDbDataAdapter.Update() with OleDbCommandBuilder

I am hitting an Oracle database using C# and OleDb, I have sucessfully pulled data from a query but I am unable to update the database using OleDbAdapter.Update(), my update code is below. ("Adapter" is a reference to the OleDbAdapter object used to sucessfully pull data out of the database.)

OleDbCommandBuilder builder = new OleDbCommandBuilder(Adapter);
Adapter.UpdateCommand = builder.GetUpdateCommand();

I am currently getting a "Command was not prepared." error on the first line of the above code. Any suggestions and I would be very grateful.

(Edit: ds is the DataSet)


  • your version is not working because you query a stored procedure.

    If you think of it: to work it needs all the information like keys and so on. What if you join tables in your stored procedure and select only a subset of rows without some important primary-keys?

    In those cases you might need to write/get a stored procedure or query yourself and give it to the adapter.