I wanted to make new JSON object with org.json library, but I have noticed there is a problem with Java 14 records.
When I call
String json = new JSONObject(new Order("", "Albert", "GOOGL", "SELL", 97.9, 90L)).toString();
the fields are null.
I suppose it is because java record doesn't use old getters like getXYZ?
Is there a simple work around? I mean without using different library. Or maybe my assumptions are incorrect.
public record Order(
String id,
String userId,
String securityId,
String type,
Double price,
Long quantity
) {
If you don't want to use other libraries like Jackson or Gson (it will be a much better solution in my opinion) you could write your own converter:
public final class JsonConverter {
private JsonConverter() {
public static String toJSON(Object object) {
Class<?> c = object.getClass();
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject();
for (Field field : c.getDeclaredFields()) {
String name = field.getName();
Object value = field.get(object);
jsonObject.put(name, value);
return jsonObject.toString();
You could use it like:
public static void main(String[] args) {
Order order = new Order("", "Albert", "GOOGL", "SELL", 97.9, 90L);
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(order);
OrderRecord[id=, userId=Albert, securityId=GOOGL, type=SELL, price=97.9, quantity=90]
It is a real workaround. However, it uses exactly org.json