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Is there any reason to use ZoneId.of("UTC") instead of ZoneOffset.UTC?

Is there any reason to use ZoneId.of("UTC") instead of ZoneOffset.UTC?

We know the difference between the two as provided in What is the difference between ZoneOffset.UTC and ZoneId.of("UTC")?.

<tl;dr> version:

  • ZoneOffset.UTC returns a mere ZoneOffset with ID "Z", offset of 0 and default zone rules.
  • ZoneId.of("UTC") returns a ZoneRegion with ID "UTC" and ZoneOffset.UTC included.


For this question, I assume UTC-usage merely for easier date and time handling and not, because something might actually be located in the UTC region or some other business reason to have this as the actual ZoneRegion.

For example, when dealing with ZonedDateTime. The only difference I could find was that it prints differently.


We are having code review discussions back and forth about this, so I guess this conflict is not uncommon.

Here are my thoughts so far


  • It is a constant (and further, it's Offset value (0) is even cached).
  • It has (a tiny bit) less overhead, due to the missing region information.
  • At UTC, there are no daylight saving times or historical shifts to consider, like in any other timezone.
    Thus, an Offset of 0 is in general enough for all use cases I encountered so far (like converting to and from a certain Zone Region with a particular daylight saving status).


  • In general, I'd say ZoneRegions are preferred to ZoneOffsets, due to a range of additional location-specific data like a particular daylight saving time or time shifts in history.
  • However, in case of UTC, ZoneId.of("UTC") is just a region wrap around ZoneOffset.UTC and I could not find any benefit so far. As far as I know, in UTC no region-relevant data exists apart from it's inherited ZoneOffset.UTC rules.
  • Needs to be parsed every time.

So my _guess_ is:

Unless you really need the UTC time zone/region for some (e.g. business) reasons, you should prefer ZoneOffset.UTC. It has a (minor) advantage in its performance footprint and the UTC ZoneRegion does not seem provide any benefit I can see or think of.

However, because of the complexity of the Java Date Time API it is hard to tell if I am missing something in this discussion.
Is there any reason why someone should ever use ZoneId.of("UTC")?


  • I can think of one situation where ZoneId.of("UTC") might be preferable over ZoneOffset.UTC. If you use jackson-modules-java8 to deserialize ZonedDataTime from JSON, you get dates with ZoneId.

    For example, let's say we have this POJO (getters/setters omitted for brevity):

    class Example {
        private ZonedDateTime date =;

    If you print an instance of the class you get:

    Example example1 = new Example();
    // output:
    // Example(date=2022-06-17T00:00Z) - as expected

    What happens when you deserialize JSON containing the above string 2022-06-17T00:00Z?

    String json = "{\"date\":\"2022-06-17T00:00Z\"}";
    Example example2 = mapper.readValue(json, Example.class);
    // output:
    // Example(date=2022-06-17T00:00Z[UTC]) // now with ZoneId(!)

    So now we have two variants, one with ZoneOffset and one with ZoneId:

    • 2022-06-17T00:00Z
    • 2022-06-17T00:00Z[UTC]

    And these are not equal to each other. For example:

    Instant instant =;
    ZonedDateTime z1 = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneOffset.UTC);
    ZonedDateTime z2 = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(instant, ZoneId.of("UTC"));
    System.out.println(z1.equals(z2)); // => false

    As a result example1.equals(example2) will also be false. This could be a source of subtle bugs.

    Note: you get same result if your serialize new Example() to a JSON string and deseralize the string back to an object. You will get a date with ZoneId.

    Tested with Jackson 2.13.1.

    Edit: I ended up filing a bug for this issue: