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How to upgrade airflow?

There seems to be no proper documentation about upgrading airflow. The Upgrading Airflow to a newer version page only talks about upgrading the database. So what is the proper way of upgrading airflow?

Is it just upgrading the python packages to the newest versions? Or should I use the same venv and install the newer airflow version completely from scratch? Or is it something else altogether?

I'm guessing doing the database upgrade would be the final step followed by one of these steps.


  • I was also struggling with upgrading airflow for minor versions and didn't feel like I found a good answer in the docs. I think I have the right approach after looking back at how I installed airflow in the first place.

    • If you followed the guide to run airflow locally you'll want to change the value for AIRFLOW_VERSION in the commands to your desired version.

    • If you followed the guide to run airflow on docker, then you'll want to fetch the latest docker-compose.yaml. The command on the site always has the latest version. Then re-run docker compose up.

    You can confirm you have the right version by running airflow version. I run airflow via docker so the docker steps work for me, I imagine the local steps should be about the same.