I'm trying to make Airflow dag to update database. If I get no mistakes while get data from API I need to insert data to database. If there's any errors - I need send errors messages.
So I need add check length of errors dict.
Actually I need make transform data then there's no errors before insert data to database, but I think there's no need to add this code to question.
How to make stop/continue tasks with using decorators? Continue/stop logic: if len(errors) == 0: *insert table to database else: *send errors text to telegram
P. S. I make dict with table, cause I actually get from API few tables.
There's my code.
import pandas as pd
import time
import clickhouse_connect
import api_library
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
default_args = {
'owner': 'owner',
'depends_on_past': False,
'retries': 2,
'retry_delay': datetime.timedelta(minutes=5),
'start_date': datetime.datetime(2024, 06, 20)
schedule_interval = '*/15 * * * *'
connect = clickhouse_connect.get_client(
host = '*.*.*.*'
, port = 8443
, database = 'database'
, username = 'admin'
, password = 'password'
bearer_key = '***'
user_key = '***'
def get_data_or_raise_error_with_retry(func, max_tries=10, **args):
for _ in range(max_tries):
# add sleep to avoid API break
if len(args) == 0:
return func()
return func(**args)
# I get error text instead pd.Dataframe
except Exception as e:
return e
def make_dict_api_tables(tables: list):
error_text = 'Error in table {}.\nCheck function.{}.'
# dict with functions I using to get tables
tables = {
'stores': {
'text': 'stores' # table name
, 'function': 'get_table' # fucntion to get data from API
, 'result': tables[0] # result with pd.Dataframe or tuple in some cases or error text
tables_from_api = {}
tables_from_api['stores'] = {
'result': tables['stores']['result']
, 'error_text': error_text.format(tables['stores']['text'], tables['stores']['function'])
return tables_from_api
def make_dict_with_errors(tables_dict: dict):
messages_with_transform_errors = {}
for key in tables_dict.keys():
if type(tables_dict[key]['result']) not in [pd.DataFrame, tuple]: # if result not pd.Dataframe or tuple it's error
# add error text to dict
messages_with_transform_errors[key] = tables_dict[key]['error_text']
return messages_with_transform_errors
@dag(default_args=default_args, schedule_interval=schedule_interval, catchup=False, concurrency=4)
def dag_update_database():
def connect_to_api(bearer_key: str, user_key: str):
# connecting to API
api = api_library(bearer_key, user_key)
return api
def get_table_from_api(api, tries: int):
# get table, result id pd.Dataframe
result_from_salons_api = get_data_or_raise_error_with_retry(api.get_table, tries)
return list(result_from_salons_api)
def make_dict_with_tables_and_errors(table: list):
# make dict with table
tables_dict = make_dict_api_tables(table)
# make dict with errors, dict will be empty if there's no errors
errors = make_dict_with_errors(tables_dict)
return tables_dict, errors
I believe you may benefit from using BranchPythonOperator. A bit of general reference - https://www.astronomer.io/docs/learn/airflow-branch-operator#taskbranch-branchpythonoperator. In short, the idea is simple a straightforward - add IF/else logic which depends on the condition to decide how to proceed based on the upstream XCOM result
In code, it might look like this:
import datetime
from airflow.decorators import dag, task
start_date=datetime.datetime(2024, 6, 20),
"owner": "owner",
"depends_on_past": False,
"retries": 2,
"retry_delay": datetime.timedelta(minutes=5),
schedule_interval="*/15 * * * *",
def database_update_r():
def get_table_from_api():
# get table, result id pd.Dataframe
result_from_salons_api = [{"id": 1, "name": "store1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "store2"}]
return result_from_salons_api
def make_dict_with_tables_and_errors(table: list) -> dict[str, dict]:
# make dict with table
tables_dict = {"table": "table_content"}
# make dict with errors, dict will be empty if there's no errors
# NOTE: case #1
# errors = {"error": "error"}
# NOTE: case #2
errors = {}
return {"tables_output": tables_dict, "errors_output": errors}
def validate_on_errors(errors: dict):
if errors:
return "send_error"
return "write_to_database"
def send_error():
# Task to send an error to telegram
def write_to_database():
# update database
validate_on_errors(make_dict_with_tables_and_errors(get_table_from_api())["errors_output"]) >> [
As a result, one of the tasks after BranchOperator will be skipped