I am stuck on a very beginner problem in JS, what I'm trying to do is add line-breaks in between text which the script adds dynamically after generating a random string, but I could not find a source that would match my case
The code that picks a random string
var textArray = [
'Gateway to wild imaginations!',
'Activating the send portal :D',
'Empowering nothing ;P'
var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*textArray.length);
var rndStr = textArray[randomNumber];
const h_1_elem = document.getElementById('main-h1');
h_1_elem.innerText = rndStr;
I would consider myself a beginner in programming so take this question with a pinch of salt
You could use \n to insert a new line since you are using
h_1_elem.innerText = rndStr + "\n";
Also I created a function called randomNumber in order to call it more than one time.
var textArray = [
'Gateway to wild imaginations!',
'Activating the send portal :D',
'Empowering nothing ;P'
const h_1_elem = document.getElementById('main-h1');
h_1_elem.innerText = textArray[randomNumber()] + "\n";
h_1_elem.innerText += textArray[randomNumber()] + "\n";
function randomNumber() {
let number = Math.floor(Math.random()*textArray.length);
return number;
<div id="main-h1"></div>
If you run the code multiple times, you will get different messages. Just keep adding more :)
============ EDITED ============
Oh, you want a break line after each word. Didn't understand the question that way. So, for that you should use something like this:
var textArray = [
'Gateway to wild imaginations!',
'Activating the send portal :D',
'Empowering nothing ;P'
const h_1_elem = document.getElementById('main-h1');
h_1_elem.innerText = textArray[randomNumber()].replaceAll(" ","\n");
function randomNumber() {
let number = Math.floor(Math.random()*textArray.length);
return number;
<div id="main-h1"></div>
I just used
replaceAll(" ", "\n")
In order to replace every space by a break line. Hope this is what you want.