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What happens when using 'this' inside a lambda expression that is sent to let function?

I've looked at the source code of let function:

public inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R {
    contract {
        callsInPlace(block, InvocationKind.EXACTLY_ONCE)
    return block(this)

i clearly understand that using it keyword inside of the block (code) i'm sending to let function will refer to the object that called the let function. But on which object does this keyword will refer if i will use it inside the block (code). The way i see it, it should be the same object that it refer to, but i'm not sure. My computer gone bad so i can't test it by myself. Can someone not only give me the answer but also will explain me the logic behind the this keyword in the situation above?

example of code:

val p:Preson = Person()


  • this in the let lambda (block) means the same thing as it does outside the let lambda. The let lambda does not suddenly "change" what this means.

    For example:

    class Foo {
        fun foo() {
            // here, "this" refers to the receiver of foo(), i.e. some instance of Foo
            1.let {
                // here, "it" refers to 1, 
                // and "this" refers to the receiver of foo() too
    fun main() {
        // here, "this" does not mean anything, main() has no receiver
        2.let {
            // here, "it" refers to 2, 
            // and "this" does not mean anything either

    This is because this refers to the receiver of a function, but the function type of the parameter that let takes has no receiver:

    public inline fun <T, R> T.let(block: (T) -> R): R {

    Compare that to run, which is very similar to let, except its receiver as the receiver of the block parameter:

    public inline fun <T, R> T.() -> R): R {
        return this.block() // instead of block(this) like let

    which means that:

    1.let {
        // here, "this" refers to 1
        // "it" does not mean anything because the function type T.() -> R has no parameters

    Another example that uses both this and it:

    fun usesBoth(x: Int, y: String, block: Int.(String) -> Unit) {

    If you call usesBoth with a lambda,

    usesBoth(1, "x") {
        println(this) // prints 1
        println(it)   // prints x

    this in the lambda would refer to 1, because block is called on x in usesBoth, and it would refer to "x", because y is passed to block as a parameter.