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Springboot posgresql reposity bean can't be autowired

I have simple Sprinngboot app where actual database is PostgreSQL.

My model:-

public class MyCarrier { 
private UUID id;
            max = 100
    private String carrierName;
            max = 3
    private String smdgCode;
            max = 4
    private String nmftaCode;

    public MyCarrier() {

    public UUID getId() {

    public String getCarrierName() {
        return this.carrierName;

    public String getSmdgCode() {
        return this.smdgCode;

    public String getNmftaCode() {
        return this.nmftaCode;

    public void setId(final UUID id) { = id;

    public void setCarrierName(final String carrierName) {
        this.carrierName = carrierName;

    public void setSmdgCode(final String smdgCode) {
        this.smdgCode = smdgCode;

    public void setNmftaCode(final String nmftaCode) {
        this.nmftaCode = nmftaCode;

    protected boolean canEqual(final Object other) {
        return other instanceof Carrier;


public interface MyCarrierRepository extends JpaRepository<MyCarrier, Long> {


@RequestMapping(path = "/upload")
public class ReactiveUploadResource {
    Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ReactiveUploadResource.class);

    private final SqlRequestHandler sqlRequestHandler;

    private  MyCarrierRepository myCarrierRepository;

    public ReactiveUploadResource(SqlRequestHandler sqlRequestHandler) {
        this.sqlRequestHandler = sqlRequestHandler;

I got this error:-


Field myCarrierRepository in com.consumer.controller.ReactiveUploadResource required a bean of type 'com.consumer.repository.MyCarrierRepository' that could not be found.

What is missing? Why Springboot doesn't find this repository?


  • You have to put the repository inside the package at the same level as Application class the packages to allow Spring boot to scan it