I have been trying to declare this function in my header file (using ue5 c++) and I get the compiler telling me this error:
Unrecognized type 'TFuture' - type must be a UCLASS, USTRUCT, UENUM, or global delegate. [UnrealHeaderTool ParserError]*
static TFuture<UTexture2D*> ImportImageFromDiskAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath, TFunction<void()> CompletionCallback);
What am I doing wrong here?
Minimal Reproducible Example:
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "PixelFormat.h"
#include "UObject/NoExportTypes.h"
#include "Async/Future.h"
#include "TSImageLoader.generated.h"
// Forward Declare Texture 2D
class UTexture2D;
DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN(LogTextureSerializeImageLoading, Log, All);
class TEXTURESERIALIZEIO_API UTSImageLoader : public UObject
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (HidePin = "Outer", DefaultToSelf = "Outer"))
static TFuture<UTexture2D*> ImportImageFromDiskAsync(UObject* Outer, const FString& ImagePath, TFunction<void()> CompletionCallback);
Okay I figured it out.
TFuture cannot be returned on a function that would be exposed to blueprints. So removing the UFUNCTION() tag above it solves the issue.