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I have a DataTable. I want to print it on Maui. How can I do that? Or something similar to wpf's DataGrid

I have a DataTable. I want to print it to the interface Maui. How can I do that?

In WPF I did it like this on C#:

gridPrinted.ItemsSource = myclass.GetDataTable().AsDataView();


<DataGrid x:Name="gridPrinted" Grid.Row="1" LoadingRow="gridPrinted_LoadingRow" CanUserAddRows="False"/>

In Maui, I have been trying to use CollectionView like this:

C# code:

DataView dat = myclass.GetDataTable().AsDataView();

XAML code:

            <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding dat}">
                        <Grid Padding="10">
                            <Label Grid.Column="1"
                                Text="{Binding label}"
                                FontAttributes="Bold" />

However nothing happens. No table is generated, but also no errors, no exceptions, nothing. How can I print that table?


  • We couldn't see the other code of your app, but you can try to check the following aspects:

    1.DataView dat = myclass.GetDataTable().AsDataView();

    Here, the returned type of myclass.GetDataTable().AsDataView() should be a list,for example:

    public ObservableCollection<YourItem>  items;


     System.Collections.Generic.IList<YourItem> items;

    2.make sure set the BindingContext for your page;

    3.make sure there is a returned value for the ItemsSource of your CollectionView.
