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Finding the Top X percentile of values and combining all values below that percentile into an Others row per Group In R

I'm new to coding in R and I am having some trouble. I am trying to find the values in a column above a certain percentile (X%ile) per group, and then combining all rows below that percentile into a row others for every group.

My situation is very similar to the question here: How to use fct_lump() to get the top n levels by group and put the rest in 'other'?

Where I am grouping by two columns and trying to add rows in the second and third columns which add the name "Others" in the second column and sums all values below a percentile in the third column in the same row.

I am working with a large dataframe (df) where I have the following columns: Year (class = Integer, ie 2007, 2008, ...), SciName (class = character), and Flowers (class = numeric)

I am able to filter and only show rows with a value above a certain percentile using:

df_filter <- df %>%
filter(Flowers > quantile(Flowers, 0.7))

However, I have not been able to find a way to add the others row I need

Following the accepted answer from the similar question I linked above, I have tried:

df_Others <- df %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  group_by(Year) %>%
  arrange(desc(Flowers)) %>%
  mutate(a = row_number(-Flowers)) %>%
  mutate(SciName = case_when(a < (quantile(df$Flowers, 0.7)) ~ "Others", TRUE ~ as.character(SciName))) %>%
  mutate(a = case_when(a < (quantile(df$Flowers, 0.7)) ~ "Others", TRUE ~ as.character(a))) %>%
  group_by(Year, SciName, a) %>%
  summarize(Flowers = sum(Flowers)) %>%
  arrange(Year, a) %>%


...but this does not work

Any suggestions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!



Year    SciName    Flowers
2004    Liliac     2000
2004    Rose       3000
2004    Daisy      10
2004    Lily       5
2005    Liliac     20
2005    Rose       3
2005    Daisy      1000
2005    Lily       5000
...     ...        ...

Expected Output:
Year    SciName    Flowers
2004    Liliac     2000
2004    Rose       3000
2004    Others      15
2005    Daisy      1000
2005    Lily       5000
2005    Others     23
...     ...        ...


  • Without your input data and your expected output, it is difficult to determine why your current approach is not working. I recommend something like the following:

    # access iris, a build in dataset
    df = iris %>%
      # all the groups that you want to work within should be listed here
      group_by(Species) %>%
      # this creates a new column containing the threshold for each group
      # replace Sepal.Length with the numeric column you want the percentile of
      mutate(threshold = quantile(Sepal.Length, 0.7)) %>%
      # in case of duplicate values in Sepal.Length
      # creating row-numbers to avoid merging them
      mutate(rn = row_number()) %>%
      # setup variable that contains the desired output groups
      mutate(new_group = ifelse(Sepal.Length < threshold, "other", rn))
    # pause here to inspect and confirm the new_group column gives the preferred groups
    df = df  %>%
      group_by(Species, new_group) %>%
      # summarise values as desired
      summarise(num = n()) %>%
      select(Species, Sepal.Length, num)

    EDIT: In response to your input structure and expected output, I recommend the following:

    output = df %>%
      group_by(Year) %>%
      mutate(threshold = quantile(Flowers, 0.7)) %>%
      mutate(new_group = ifelse(Flowers < threshold, "Others", SciName)) %>%
      group_by(Year, new_group) %>%
      summarise(Flowers = sum(Flowers)) %>%
      select(Year, SciName = new_group, Flowers)

    As I am not using row numbers here, I am assuming SciName identities are unique.