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Add flag on SQL Server table, based on pair of features

I have a table in SQL Server with Id, Code and Prod. I want to add a flag and end up like:

Id Code Prod Flag
0  101  A    0
1  101  B    0
2  101  A    1
3  101  A    1
4  101  B    1
5  160  B    0
6  160  A    0
7  160  B    1
8  190  A    0
9  190  B    0

For each pair Code-Prod (eg. 101-A, which has 3 cases), the flag should assume 0 for the first Id, 1 otherwise.

How do I do that?


  • This is ideally solved with row_number() window function, combined with an updatable CTE:

    with upd as (
      select *, Row_Number() over(partition by Concat(code,prod) order by id) rn
      from t
    update upd 
    set flag = case when rn = 1 then 0 else 1 end;