The essence of the problem is: Implement a public static addPrefix() method that takes an array of strings and a string prefix as input and returns a new array in which the given prefix is added to each element of the original array. A space is automatically added after the prefix.
How the program should work:
String[] names = {"John", "Smit", "Karl"};
var namesWithPrefix = App.addPrefix(names, "Mr.");
// => ["Mr. John", "Mr. Smit", "Mr. Karl"]
System.out.println(Arrays.toString(names)); // The original array does not change
// => ["John", "Smit", "Karl"]
Here is my code:
public class App {
public static String[] addPrefix(String[] names, String[] prefixes){
String[] result= new String[names.length];
String sequence =""+ names[0]+prefixes[0];
result[0]="["+ sequence+"]";
for(int i=1; i<names.length;i++){
sequence+=", "+names[i];
result[i] ="[" + sequence +"]";
return result;
This is how I'd do it based on the requirements.
Create the result array, loop through the original names by index and assign the prefix + space + current original name to the corresponding result array slot.
public static String[] addPrefix(String[] names, String prefix) {
String[] result = new String[names.length];
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
result[i] = prefix + " " + names[i];
return result;