I'm working with spatstat 2.3-4 in R 4.1.0 on a 64bit windows 10 pro machine.
Recently I ran into the integer-overflow error while using Kcross
with a large number of points (i.e. the number of combination exceeded .Machine$integer.max
). For example:
W <- as.owin(list(xrange = c(688.512, 17879.746) , yrange = c(-27996.842, -7759.813)))
cells1 <- runifpoint(n = 8062, win = W)
cells2 <- runifpoint(n = 1768988, win = W)
cells3 <- superimpose(tumor = cells1 , bcell = cells2)
Kcross(cells3 , r = seq(0,200,by=5) , "tumor" , "bcell" , correction="none") # error
# Error in if (nXY <= 1024) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
# In addition: Warning message: In nX * nY : NAs produced by integer overflow
8062 * 1768988 > .Machine$integer.max
# [1] TRUE
After a lot of struggling I realized that the error comes from this part of crosspairs
if (spatstat.options("crosspairs.newcode")) {
nXY <- nX * nY
if (nXY <= 1024) {
nsize <- 1024
I could "fix" the error by changing spatstat options: spatstat.options("crosspairs.newcode" = FALSE)
Is this the way to deal with the error?
As Adrian.Baddeley answered below, there is now a new spatstat.geom
version on GitHub (currently: v2.4.-0.029) in which the bug is fixed. The new version works fine without the change of the options.
The bug is fixed in the development version of spatstat.geom
available at the GitHub repository