I'm having trouble to convert a SpatRaster
back to im
. Here's an example:
env <- im(matrix(0, size, size), xrange=c(0,1), yrange=c(0,1))
xy <- expand.grid(x = env$xcol, y = env$yrow)
temp.dummy <- gstat(formula=z~1, locations=~x+y, dummy=T, beta=0,
model=vgm(psill=0.1, range=50, model='Exp'), nmax=20)
temp <- predict(temp.dummy, newdata=xy, nsim=1)
temp <- as.im(temp)
temp_im <- as.im(raster::raster(temp))
temp_im <- as.im(terra::rast(temp))
Error in as.im.default(rast(temp)) : Can't convert X to a pixel image
It works with raster::raster()
but not with terra::rast()
Since maptool is bieng retired, this Convert raster to im object is no longer a solution.
I think the function below works. Perhaps you can ask the maintainer of "spatstat.geom" to include this or something similar in their package.
as.im.SpatRaster1 <- function(X) {
X <- X[[1]]
rs <- terra::res(X)
e <- as.vector(terra::ext(X))
out <- list(
v = as.matrix(X, wide=TRUE)[nrow(X):1, ],
dim = dim(X)[1:2],
xrange = e[1:2],
yrange = e[3:4],
xstep = rs[1],
ystep = rs[2],
xcol = e[1] + (1:ncol(X)) * rs[1] + 0.5 * rs[1],
yrow = e[4] - (nrow(X):1) * rs[2] + 0.5 * rs[2],
type = "real",
units = list(singular=units(X), plural=units(X), multiplier=1)
attr(out$units, "class") <- "unitname"
attr(out, "class") <- "im"
And here is an alternative that does not use terra-specific function names. For this one to work, you need as.list(X, geom=TRUE)
which was introduced in terra 1.7-72 (currently the development version). This version also handles factors/characters.
as.im.SpatRaster2 <- function(X) {
X <- X[[1]]
g <- as.list(X, geom=TRUE)
isfact <- is.factor(X)
if (isfact) {
v <- matrix(as.data.frame(X)[, 1], nrow=g$nrows, ncol=g$ncols, byrow=TRUE)
} else {
v <- as.matrix(X, wide=TRUE)
vtype <- if(isfact) "factor" else typeof(v)
if(vtype == "double") vtype <- "real"
tv <- v[g$nrows:1, ]
if(isfact) tv <- factor(tv, levels=levels(X))
out <- list(
v = tv,
dim = c(g$nrows, g$ncols),
xrange = c(g$xmin, g$xmax),
yrange = c(g$ymin, g$ymax),
xstep = g$xres[1],
ystep = g$yres[1],
xcol = g$xmin + (1:g$ncols) * g$xres[1] + 0.5 * g$xres,
yrow = g$ymax - (g$nrows:1) * g$yres[1] + 0.5 * g$yres,
type = vtype,
units = list(singular=g$units, plural=g$units, multiplier=1)
attr(out$units, "class") <- "unitname"
attr(out, "class") <- "im"
f <- system.file("ex/elev.tif", package="terra")
x <- rast(f)
im1 <- as.im.SpatRaster1(x)
im2 <- as.im.SpatRaster2(x)
# and back
r1 <- rast(im1)
r2 <- rast(im2)