prevArray is my old array without a status property or values. Response is from the backend. I can see that the array is being set with the new value by inspecting the web and looking in the components section. I can delete an item in the array
const [data,setData] = useState([]);
}).then((response) => {updateStatus(,array)})
.catch(err => console.log(err))
const updateStatus = (response,array) => {
for(const obj in array){
for(const order in response.orders){
if(array[obj].Name === response.orders[order].name.replace("#", "")){
array[obj].Status = response.orders[order].Status;
const newArray = array;
I believe you are setting the same link to the array to your state, that's why React doesn't track your changes. Try to create a new array using a spread operator:
const newArray = [...array];
Explanation: non-primitive values (objects, arrays) in JS assigned by a link, it means if you assign one array to 2 variables these variables will be the same, as they referring to the same array (you could read it in more details here)