How to properly set position of a 3d model into Canvas regarding to x,y,z axes?
<Canvas shadows dpr={[1, 2]} camera={{position: [5, 50, 5], fov: 10}}>
<Suspense fallback={null}>
My object is centered and extra small, I want to manually configure it's position regarding to [x,y,z] axes into Canvas
Here is my result: (the model is too small)
This is my target: (I manually zoomed my model and move it down, because if I zoom it to target size it goes beyond the canvas and doesn't fit completely, so I need to move it a bit down.)
If I apply zoom
property It also doesn't fit.
You can target the camera towards the center of your model instead of moving your model. The camera has a 'target' property like the 'position' property you used. However, the last time I tried using that property it didn't work.
Instead I target the camera using the OrbitControls component.
<OrbitControls target={[.6, .4, 0]}/>