I have created test case that gets all informations from table, in this table there is Users; Name, Role, Status, Last active statuses are listed, I select each line according to the user's id, I get the id information from the API before, I cannot assert them through the API because there are only "id","email" and " name" information, other information is not available. How can I test that columns Role,Status, Last active status has the correct data? Thanks in advance for all the ideas.
Example of table;
Name |Email | Roles | Status | Last active
user00 |user00@mail.com | Doctor | Active | 1 hour ago
user01 |user01@mail.com | Engineer | Active |2 minutes ago
user02 |user02@mail.com | Doctor | Pending | 2 months ago
user03 |user03@mail.com | Police |Inactive | 11 days ago*
Example of html part ( [1]child element and [7] child element are not necessary to check)
<tbody class="TableBody-root">
<tr class="TableRow-root user_12341234blabla">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body width">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user00</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user00@mail.com</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Doctor</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Active</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">1 hour ago</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body stngs">
<tr class="TableRow-root user_42241234alsbla">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body width">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user01</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user01@mail.com</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Engineer</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Active</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">2 minutes ago</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body stngs">
<tr class="TableRow-root user_3554a234alsbla">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body width">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user02</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user02@mail.com</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Doctorr</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Pending</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">2 months ago</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body stngs">
<tr class="TableRow-root user_87941234sasbla">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body width">
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user03</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">user03@mail.com</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Police</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">Inactive</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body">11 days ago</td>
<td class"TableCell-root TableCell-body stngs">
And this is my code;
.then(user => {
for (let i = 0; i < user.length; i++) {
for (let a = 2; a <= 6; a++) {
.then(userInfo => {
expect(userInfo).to.equal() // here i stuck
**Its response.body**
user [ {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, {…}, … ]
0 Object { id: "user_12341234blabla", name: "user00", email: "user00@mail.com", … }
1 Object { id: "user_42241234alsbla", name: "user01", email: "user01@mail.com", … }
2 Object { id: "user_3554a234alsbla", name: "user02", email: "user02@mail.com", … }
3 Object { id: "user_87941234sasbla", name: "user03", email: "user03@mail.com", … }
**Under the object [0]**
id "12341234blabla"
name "user00"
email "user00@mail.com"
locale "en"
receive_notifications true
current_sign_in_at "2022-06-14T00:36:41.240+02:00"
created_at "2022-02-10T10:25:45.333+01:00"
updated_at "2022-06-14T00:36:41.240+02:00"
unconfirmed_email null
pending_reconfirmation false
confirmation_sent_at null
confirmation_period_expired null
is_invited false //if its true it means status is pending otherwise active or inactive
is_managed_externally false
roles_without_context [ {…} ]
resource_role_users [ {…} ]
invitee_invitations []
**Under roles_without_context [{...}]**
0 Object { id: "0a79-43ee-ae43",
created_at: "2022-02-10T10:25:45.345+01:00",
updated_at: "2022-02-10T10:25:45.345+01:00", … }
id "0a79-43ee-ae43"
context_type null
context_id null
role null
created_at "2022-02-10T10:25:45.345+01:00"
updated_at "2022-02-10T10:25:45.345+01:00"
locked true
name "Doctor" //it shows role
clm_name null
client_id "8506-d772d917af86"
Are the values you need to compare on the user
Check it out with console.log(user)
, for example if user
looks like
id: "user00",
email: "user00@mail.com",
roles_without_context: {
name: "Doctor"
status: "Active",
lastSeen: "1 hour ago"
id: "user01",
then in the test (roughly)
const thisUser = user[i]
if (a === 2) {
if (a === 3) {
const role = user.roles_without_context.name
if (a === 4) {
const status = thisUser.pending_reconfirmation ? 'Pending' : 'Active';
if (a === 5) {
const lastSeen = thisUser.??? // what field is this