I'm working with my own React component library in coded in TypeScript, which I use with React JS projects. When I use my components in TypeScript they work well with their attributes, but in JS I have errors in the console. Exemple:
TS component:
const Button: React.FC<props> = ({ btnStyle, ...otherProps }) => { ...component }
Types declaration:
interface props {
btnStyle?: string,
Component used in JS or TS:
<Button btnStyle="plain">Button</Button>
And the error I get:
React does not recognize the `btnStyle` prop on a DOM element. If you intentionally want it to appear in the DOM as a custom attribute, spell it as lowercase `btnstyle` instead. If you accidentally passed it from a parent component, remove it from the DOM element.
How could I use camelCase like in TS in JS?
Okay I found the problem, it's coming from Styled Components, which puts the props on the generated HTML:
<button btnStyle="style">Button</button>
This is how I fixed it:
import React from "react"
interface props {
$btnStyle?: string
const Button: React.FC<props> = ({ btnStyle, children, ...otherProps }) => {
return (
<button $btnStyle={btnStyle} {...otherProps}>{children}</button>
Check here for the documentation