It is my understanding that as per the docs, following is the idiomatic way to dynamically generate an url to a static asset with Vite/Vue3:
URL(`../../assets/${name}.png`, import.meta.url).href
However, I would like to leverage the TypeScript import lookup locations as per tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"@/*": ["./src/*"]
Trying a simple
URL(`@/assets/${name}.png`, import.meta.url).href
will just put the @
in the url. Using src/assets/${name}.png
works but defeats the purpose.
It also seems that URL
will gladly generate any kind of string without checking whether it points to a resource that could actually be loaded by the browser.
What is the idiomatic way to dynamically point to a static asset leveraging the path lookup?
Using new URL
won't work because this code isn't statically replaced by Vite, so you won't be able to use your aliases.
You can use import.meta.globEager
const images = import.meta.globEager('@/assets/*.png', { as: 'url' })
This will give you an object, which keys are the paths to the images and the values are their URLs.
An example would be:
const images = import.meta.globEager('@/assets/*.png', { as: 'url' });
function assetUrl(name: string): string {
return images[Object.keys(images).find((path) => path.endsWith(name))]?.default;