I am trying to implement an DMN (Decision Model and Notation) evaluation service, where the user can upload a csv file with test cases to be evaluated and receive results also as a csv file for every test cases in the input file.
Reading the input csv file and evaluating the test cases works without problems. But I have some issues in writing the results to a csv file using OpenCsv.
Here is the mapped bean, which should be converted to csv row:
public class DmnTestCaseResult {
private Map<String, Object> testInput;
private Map<String, Object> expectedOutput;
private List<Map<String, Object>> testOutput;
private String errorMessage;
As you can see here, the test case result can have in some situations multiple testOutputs, defined as a list of map.
What I want is to write for every map entry in the testOutput, a seperate row in the csv file. But with the code I wrote below, only the first entry of the testOutput is written as only one row in the csv file.
public String convertDmnRuleTestResultToCsv(DmnRuleTestResult result) {
List<DmnTestCaseResult> results = result.getTestCases();
try(StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(sw, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR, CSVWriter.NO_QUOTE_CHARACTER, CSVWriter.NO_ESCAPE_CHARACTER, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_LINE_END)) {
StatefulBeanToCsv<DmnTestCaseResult> beanToCsv = new StatefulBeanToCsvBuilder<DmnTestCaseResult>(writer)
return sw.toString();
} catch(Exception ex){
throw new CsvParseException(ex.getMessage());
How can I tell the OpenCsv that it should create seperate row for each entry in the testOutputs ?
EDIT: Added more information
As you can see from the screenshots, one input can have multiple test outputs. Therefore I want to create for every test output a seperate line in csv file.
As StatefulBeanToCsv
does not seem to be capable to generating multiple lines for a single bean, I suggest implementing a custom mapping function. This also requires you to manually print the header line as well.
public static String convertDmnRuleTestResultToCsv(DmnRuleTestResult result) {
List<DmnTestCaseResult> results = result.getTestCases();
try (StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
CSVWriter writer = new CSVWriter(sw, CSVWriter.DEFAULT_SEPARATOR,
for (DmnTestCaseResult r : results) {
for (Map<String, Object> map : r.getTestOutput())
writer.writeNext(map(r, map));
return sw.toString();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new RuntimeException(ex.getMessage());
private static void writeHeader(CSVWriter writer) {
List<String> header = new ArrayList<>();
writer.writeNext(header.toArray(new String[] {}));
private static String[] map(DmnTestCaseResult r, Map<String, Object> testOutput) {
// you can manually adjust formats here as well; entrySet() call can be left out, it does change the format. do what you like more
List<String> line = new ArrayList<>();
return line.toArray(new String[] {});
And this prints:
errorMessage,[expectedOutput1=expectedOutput1, expectedOutput2=expectedOutput2],[input2=testInput2, input1=testInput1],[testOut2=testOut2, testOut=testOut1]
errorMessage,[expectedOutput1=expectedOutput1, expectedOutput2=expectedOutput2],[input2=testInput2, input1=testInput1],[testOut3=testOut3, testOut4=testOut4]