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"An annotation argument must be a compile-time constant" error when I try to add a yesterday date to GET parameters (NASA APOD API)

I have a problem creating a correct @GET request with NASA APOD API. According to the documentation I can add a specific date to the request using a "date" parameter, for example, date=2020-03-21: In this case everything works just fine. But when I try to modify a request to load a yesterday photo I have an error. I have to pass somehow a yesterday date to the "date" parameter but I can't understand how to do it:*YESTERDAY_DATE_HERE*&api_key=DEMO_KEY

I tried to create a LocalDate variable, but I received a Build Error: An annotation argument must be a compile-time constant

I would appreciate any help!

My code:

interface NasaApiService {

    val yesterdayDate: LocalDate
        get() =

    @GET("planetary/apod?date=$yesterdayDate&api_key=" + BuildConfig.NASA_API_KEY)
    fun getYesterdayPhoto(): Call<NasaPhoto>

    companion object {

        private const val BASE_URL = ""

        fun returnToVmFunction(): NasaApiService {
            val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()
            return retrofit.create(




  • You can indeed only pass compile-time constants as arguments to annotations, and parameterized strings are not compile-time constants. Use Retrofit's @Query parameters instead:

    fun getYesterdayPhoto(
      @Query("date") date: String,
      @Query("api_key") apiKey: String,
    ): Call<NasaPhoto>