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Its possible to change the "webstorm" shell command to open a file in WebStorm?

I open files in WebStorm from the terminal with the command webstorm . when I'm working in a directory.

Is there a way to change the command webstorm to anything more, like wstorm or something shorter to open files fluently?

I'm using macOS.


  • Looks like the hint above is very good. So assuming the shell script "webstorm" is working and your question is how to modify the command AND you want to do it fluently.

    Make an alias (your shell may vary, mine is bash) in the appropriate 'dot' file for your shell add an alias for webstorm -e like this

    alias we='webstorm -e'

    now when I want to open a file quickly I type

    we filename

    And this opens Webstorm in LightEdit mode which opens faster and has a link to access full IDE.

    Works like a charm. Also, you could make more than one alias so say ws for the full ide. Enjoy