My scenario is like this: During a flow ,if there is an error happened during an element processing (in this example element is "three"), I still want keep processing the others.
In this example: I want to print "1,2,4,5" however, it just print "1 ,2".
Observable<String> numbers = Observable.just("1", "2", "three", "4", "5");>{
return Integer.parseInt(v);
}).onErrorResumeNext(error->{return Observable.just(-1);})
.filter(v-> {
System.out.println("filter value smaller than 0");
return v>0;
.subscribe(s -> {
I checked doc, "onErrorResumeNext" will instead relinquish control to the Observable returned from resumeFunction.
Is there way to print "1,2,4,5"?
The flow stops because there is a crash in map
. The only way to avoid the flow being stopped is to not let map
crash in your example. Put the parseInt
into a try-catch and return -1 from the catch part.
Observable<String> numbers = Observable.just("1", "2", "three", "4", "5"); -> {
try {
return Integer.parseInt(v);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) { // <--------------------------------------
return -1;
.filter(v -> {
System.out.println("filter value smaller than 0");
return v > 0;
.subscribe(s -> {