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Keycloak create identity provider mapper with admin cli

I'm trying to create a keycloak identity provider mapper with the admin client. It works with json file import, but for some scripting it would be better to have all in the options. When I run the statement I get a class cast exception:

    kcadm create identity-provider/instances/oidc/mappers -r quarkus \
        -s name=Test_CLI \
        -s identityProviderMapper=oidc-role-idp-mapper \
        -s identityProviderAlias=oidc \
        -s config.syncMode=FORCE \
        -s config.claim=roles \ 
        -s config.role=calculate \ 
        -s config.claim.value=CALC

class com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode cannot be cast to class
(com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TextNode and
 com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode are in unnamed module of loader 'app')

The problem is the -s config.claim.value=CALC. Without the statement works. Is this a bug or is there another way to provide the value?


  • Finally found the solution. It is caused due to the "bad naming" of the "claim.value" which is one key but interpreted as hierarchy. It should better be claim_value or similar. The solution is to quote the the "claim.value". So the correct query is:

    kcadm create identity-provider/instances/oidc/mappers -r quarkus \
        -s name=Test_CLI \
        -s identityProviderMapper=oidc-role-idp-mapper \
        -s identityProviderAlias=oidc \
        -s config.syncMode=FORCE \
        -s config.claim=roles \ 
        -s config.role=calculate \ 
        -s config.\"claim.value\"=CALC

    Please note that you need to escape the quotes with \!