I am coding with React (FC not class) and Splide js to make carousel and thumbnails. Thumbnails should not be a carousel, should be static and like bottons.
I read the official document and could not redo on React. I am using 'useRef' hook but I don't know how to connect with .go()
function. Here is my code:
import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide';
import { Options } from '@splidejs/splide';
import '@splidejs/react-splide/css';
import './Hero.scss';
import p1 from '../assets/image-product-1.jpg';
import p2 from '../assets/image-product-2.jpg';
import p3 from '../assets/image-product-3.jpg';
import p4 from '../assets/image-product-4.jpg';
import { useRef } from 'react';
export default function Hero() {
const thumbsImages = [
const mainOptions: Options = {
type: 'loop',
perPage: 1,
perMove: 1,
gap: '1rem',
pagination: false,
height: '27.8125rem',
const mainRef = useRef<Splide>(null);
const handleThumbs = (id: number) => {
return (
<Splide options={mainOptions} ref={mainRef}>
<img src={p1} alt="product image 1" />
<img src={p2} alt="product image 2" />
<img src={p3} alt="product image 3" />
<img src={p4} alt="product image 4" />
<ul className="thumbnails">
{thumbsImages.map((thumbnail, index) => (
<button onClick={() => handleThumbs(index)}>
<img src={thumbnail} alt="product thumbnail" />
TypeScript yells at me saying Property 'go' does not exist on type 'RefObject<Splide>'.
I would like to fire the onClick function once I click each thumbnails and go to the specific slide that has the same index as the thumbnail.
I appreciate if someone could help me out.
you have to call the go()
function on the ref.current
so your
handleThumb function
should be
const handleThumbs = (id: number) => {
if (mainRef.current) {