I am using @testing-library/vue and run the tests within a build step of Sublime Text. The error output uses prettyDom and isn't very legible in the output window:
Example Output in Build Results window:
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find a label with the text of: /val1/
[33mstyle[39m=[32m"width: 40%;"[39m
[0mTest Cat #1[0m
[33mattrs[39m=[32m"[object Object]"[39m
[33mform[39m=[32m"[object Object]"[39m
[33mon[39m=[32m"[object Object]"[39m
[33mprops[39m=[32m"[object Object]"[39m
Is there a way to turn off the syntax highlighting with an environment variable like you can to extend the output length?
The apparent answer is to get Sublime Text to display the colors in the build window by using the ANSIescape plugin:
https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/ansi-color-codes-in-build-output/11296/16 https://packagecontrol.io/packages/ANSIescape