I'm having a newbie problem, I really read all the documentations about it, and have seen all the stackoverflow about this issue, and I still can't get it right.
I need to get a value from a const variable, that I'm seeting without clicking twice, I tried a million things and still can't make this happen.
const [GetCode,setGetCode] = useState("");
const GetCodeMI = () =>{
Axios.get('http://localhost:3001/GetMICode',{ }).then((response)=>{
// console.log(response.data[0].ZZE_CODIGO);
const InsertInternalMov = () => {
In this scenario the first time that I click on the function the value of GetCode it's undefined the second time it shows correclty. I need to get the value the first time I click, My head it still wraping around how react works.