I'm new in Gatsby Development, in my website I'm using a community theme and modifying it in some things.
My problem started when I modified a JSON file called 'settings.json', where I added a field in the siteConfiguration object, the original file was this:
{"siteConfiguration": {
"logo": { "text": "chrisley"},
"navigation": {
"header": [
{ "label": "About", "url": "/#about" },
{ "label": "Blog", "url": "/blog" },
{ "label": "Features", "url": "/#features" },
{ "label": "Github", "url": "/#github" }
"ctaButton": {
"openNewTab": true,
"label": "Resume",
"url": "/resume.pdf"
"footer": [
{ "label": "Privacy", "url": "/privacy" },
{ "label": "Imprint", "url": "/imprint" }
"featureToggles": {
"useDarkModeAsDefault": false,
"useDarkModeBasedOnUsersPreference": true,
"useCookieBar": false
And the one where I added the field 'img' inside "logo" is the following:
{"siteConfiguration": {
"logo": { "text": "chrisley","img":"/content/images/logo-dark.png"},
"navigation": {
"header": [
{ "label": "About", "url": "/#about" },
{ "label": "Blog", "url": "/blog" },
{ "label": "Features", "url": "/#features" },
{ "label": "Github", "url": "/#github" }
"ctaButton": {
"openNewTab": true,
"label": "Resume",
"url": "/resume.pdf"
"footer": [
{ "label": "Privacy", "url": "/privacy" },
{ "label": "Imprint", "url": "/imprint" }
"featureToggles": {
"useDarkModeAsDefault": false,
"useDarkModeBasedOnUsersPreference": true,
"useCookieBar": false
And when I trying to get the img
field in GraphQL with this Query:
query SiteConfiguration {
allSettingsJson: allContentJson {
settings: nodes {
siteConfiguration {
logo {
I get the next error:
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot query field \"img\" on type \"Logo\".",
"locations": [
"line": 7,
"column": 11
"extensions": {
"stack": [
"GraphQLError: Cannot query field \"img\" on type \"Logo\".",
" at Object.Field (/Users/chrisley/Documents/Development/Gatsby/chrisley_dev_website/node_modules/graphql/validation/rules/FieldsOnCorrectTypeRule.js:48:31)",
" at Object.enter (/Users/chrisley/Documents/Development/Gatsby/chrisley_dev_website/node_modules/graphql/language/visitor.js:323:29)",
" at Object.enter (/Users/chrisley/Documents/Development/Gatsby/chrisley_dev_website/node_modules/graphql/utilities/TypeInfo.js:370:25)",
" at visit (/Users/chrisley/Documents/Development/Gatsby/chrisley_dev_website/node_modules/graphql/language/visitor.js:243:26)",
" at validate (/Users/chrisley/Documents/Development/Gatsby/chrisley_dev_website/node_modules/graphql/validation/validate.js:69:24)",
" at graphqlMiddleware (/Users/chrisley/Documents/Development/Gatsby/chrisley_dev_website/node_modules/express-graphql/index.js:98:38)",
" at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)"
Hope you can help me guys, as always haha 😅
I'll be answering myself because I found the problem hahaha.
The problem was that I was missing updating the Schema of the theme, in particular of this theme was the file gastby/node/createSchemaCustomization.js
So.. after updating the file with this lines:
module.exports = ({ actions }) => {
type Logo {
text: String
img: String
GraphQL detected my new field 'img' of the 'logo' object.