Why we can't use Choice.IMPLICIT
with in a Form while we can use Choice.EXCLUSIVE
. When I use Choice.IMPLICIT
, it gives me a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
ChoiceGroup msgChoGrp = new ChoiceGroup("", Choice.EXCLUSIVE);
The way you use (mis-use) the MIDP 2 API, IAE
is the correct behavior because it is exactly what API javadocs require for ChoiceGroup(String label, int choiceType):
Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if choiceType is not one of EXCLUSIVE, MULTIPLE, or POPUP
By the way if all you want is to get rid of radio-buttons and check-boxes, try POPUP
kind of ChoiceGroup. If you need to get even closer to implicit List, if you need this really badly, consider CustomItem
- though this might require thorough study of API to implement correctly