I am working on a scraping project to scrape google maps reviews, but I got struck when I have to parse images posted by users. I tried this method which only gives me the first image posted by user :
$('.gws-localreviews__google-review').each((i,el) => {
images[i] = $(el)
.find(".EDblX .JrO5Xe").attr("style")
I am scraping google reviews by this URL: https://www.google.com/async/reviewDialog?hl=en&async=feature_id:0x47e66e2964e34e2d:0x8ddca9ee380ef7e0,next_page_token:,sort_by:,start_index:,associated_topic:,_fmt:pc
Here is my response:
But what I want an object containing one user images, then a second a object containing a second user images and so on.
I want the results like this:
"All image's links posted by user 1"
"All images links posted by user 2"
"All images links posted by user 3"
"All images links posted by user 4"
So I found the answer, it was a bit tricky but yeah it will be solved like this :
$(".gws-localreviews__google-review").each((i, el) => {
images[i] = $(el)
.find(".EDblX .JrO5Xe")
.map(d => d.attr("style").substring(21 , d.attr("style").lastIndexOf(")")))
It will return the response like this:
All images posted by user 1,
All images posted by user 2,