Is there a way to initialize an object, call a few of its method (it is not possible to just construct the object to be in the needed state), then pass it as an argument to a function, and possibly one-liner, just in the calling scope? Something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
void log(const std::ostringstream& obj) {
//Do something meaningful with obj that doesn't modify it
void gol(const std::string& obj) {
//Do something meaningful with obj that doesn't modify it
int main() {
log(std::ostringstream oss << "Foo" << 123 << 'B');
gol(std::string str .append("Foo").append(std::to_string(123)).append("Bar"));
By "in the calling scope", I mean that the object "oss" is automatically destroyed after "log" returns. The same goes for "str".
I could do it like this:
int main() {
std::ostringstream oss;
oss << "Foo" << 123 << 'B';
std::string str;
But then it's not really one-liner anymore.
You can write it like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
void log(const std::ostringstream& obj) {
//Do something meaningful with obj that doesn't modify it
void gol(const std::string& obj) {
//Do something meaningful with obj that doesn't modify it
int main() {
log(std::ostringstream{} << "Foo" << 123 << 'B');
Though, I am not aware of a way to give it a name, call methods, and pass it to another function, all in the same expression.
In general, trying to squeeze as much code into a single line is not something that is actually desirable.