I've written a macro which sums numbers, grouping by year and by month based on our projection model.
It runs from start to end when stepping through with F8.
It stops immediately in standard execution with F5.
The first trouble is
Runtime error 91
issmIndex = Range("A1:Z1").Find("ck.IssMon").Column 'issmIndex an integer
Originally I tried Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(...)
but had the same problem: runs in debug, but not in execute (Error 1004
I considered it could have been an Excel version issue (the Match
function has a different name in the Italian version). I switched to a more neutral Find
, but still no luck.
When you have an error with a line that is a combination of several commands, try breaking it down into the individual steps.
For example, this works:
Sub findDemo()
Const toFind = "blah"
Dim rg As Range, f As Range
Set rg = Range("A2:C5")
Set f = rg.Find(toFind)
If f Is Nothing Then
Stop 'not found
Debug.Print "found in column #" & f.Column
End If
End Sub
Also see the example in the documentation for Range.Find()