I have this JSON request
"status": "completed",
I have already Deserialized JSON using this
Dictionary<string, object> values = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(test);
But I am unable to get the values of product name and quantity and similar way I want the values for customer.
In your dictionay a key is a string type, but a value is JObject. To get data you have to cast a dictionary value to JObject
Dictionary<string, object> values = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, object>>(test);
Dictionary<string,string> products =((JObject) values["products"]).ToObject<Dictionary<string,string>>();
var products = (JObject) values["products"];
var productName= products["name"];
var productQty = products["qty"];
// or directly
productName= (string) ((JObject) values["products"])["name"];
productQty = (string) ((JObject) values["products"])["qty"];